After you login you are brought to the dashboard. Here you will get a snapshot of all your campaigns and QR codes.
Recent Campaigns & QR Codes
(Larger frames on the right)
In these two blocks you can get a quick snapshot of the important data for your most recent campaigns and QR codes
You can tab through the 4 most recent campaigns and QR codes to see the associated data. Can be sorted by Week or Month.
Hover over the graph to see the single day stats.
Click the arrow to quickly see all your campaign or QR code listings.
Top Campaigns & QR Codes
(Smaller frames on the left)
Here you can your top campaigns and QR codes. The box will slide through to show you this weeks, this months or all time. You can also click the small circles in the top right of the box to cycle through them.
Near the bottom of the box you will see a Bar chart that is based on the total scans vs the Unique scans. The fuller the bar the more unique scans you have.
Clicking on the title will take you directly to the Campaign or QR code details.