Campaign Details Page Explained

Once you click on the arrow that is on the Campaigns page you are taken to the Campaign details page.

Here you will see the following information:

  • At the top you will see the Campaign name and have the ability to edit it by clicking on the pencil icon beside it.

  • By clicking on the three dots to the right of the title you can manage the users of that campaign or delete the campaign.

  • Other data displayed on here is created date, total scans, unique scans and the percentage of how many times a QR code is scanned by a unique person.

  • View the Total Scans and Unique Scans by week, month or all time.

  • Underneath the first frame you will see all the associated QR codes. In this frame we have the ability to see the QR code name, created date, short URL, modified date, total scans and unique scans for the individual QR codes. Clicking on the arrow to the right of each QR code will take you to that QR codes details page.

Campaign Details Screenshot